Seminarios de Física Teórica
Theoretical Physics Seminar
Fisika Teorikoa: Hitzaldiak
Université de Genève
Date: 1st September 1997
Key Words : Superfluid,
Symmetry-breaking, Defect formation
In the mid 1980s there were two
incompatible estimates of the initial defect density
after a symmetry breaking phase transition, the Zurek
scenario and an estimate usually attributed to Kibble.
Recent experiments in superfluids exclude one possibility
but are compatible with the other. Current work aims to
use topological defects and their formation in certain
condensed matter systems as an experimental handle on the
dynamics of symmetry-breaking phase transitions.
Baryon Density in the Central Region of a Heavy-Ion
Collision :
Plagiarise Everybody and Publish Everywhere
A.J. Gill
Université de Genève
Date: 3dSeptember 1997
Key Words : Symmetry-breaking,
Sigma Model, Topological Defects, Chiral Transition, QCD
The O(4) linear sigma model of the chiral
transition in QCD is similar to models of the superfluid
transition in 4He and 3He. Observations of vortex
formation in superfluid helium have recently improved the
understanding of the dynamics of such transitions. This
is exploited to estimate the baryon density in the
central region of a heavy ion region and the result is
consistent with the long held belief that this density is
very small in comparison with the pion density.
Una revisión de la ecuación de Lorentz-Dirac
Rafael Blanco Alcañiz
Universidad de Cantabria
Día: 30 de Septiembre 1997
New approach to integrability in any dimension
Joaquín Sánchez Guillén
Universidade de Santiago
Date: October 22, 1997
Effective field theory approach to
spin wave mediated non-reciprocal effects in
antiferromagnetic crystals.
José María Román
Universidad de Barcelona
Date: November 13, 1997
Modelos lineal y cuadrático del proceso de recalentamiento
Luis Chimento
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Fecha: 16 de Diciembre de 1997
Propiedades térmicas de la espuma espacio-temporal
Luis J. Garay
IMAFF - CSIC (Madrid)
Fecha: 18 de Diciembre de 1997
An effective model for the spacetime foam
is constructed in terms of nonlocal interactions in a
classical background. Then, in the weak-coupling
approximation, the evolution of the low-energy density
matrix is determined by a master equation that predicts a
loss of quantum coherence. It is further proposed that
spacetime foam can be described by a quantum thermal
field that, apart from inducing a diffusion process,
gives rise to effects such as gravitational Lamb and
Stark shifts as well as a quantum damping in the
evolution of the low-energy observables.
Fases inconmensurables: estática y dinámica
J. Manuel Pérez Mato
Dpto. Física de la Materia Condensada, UPV-EHU
Fecha: 28 de Enero de 1998
Running Sandpiles
Fernando Ruiz Ruiz
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Fecha: 4 de Febrero de 1998
La electrodinámica no lineal de Born-Infeld, ayer y hoy
Roberto Emparan García de Salazar
Durham Univ.
Fecha: 9 de Febrero de 1998
Kinematic Self-Similarity
Alan Coley
Dalhousie University
Fecha: 2 de Marzo de 1998
Dinámica en el horizonte de un agujero negro y la entropía de Bekenstein-Hawking.
Max Bañados
Centro de Estudios Científicos de Santiago (Chile) y Departamento de Física Teórica, Universidad de Zaragoza
Fecha: 6 de Marzo de 1998
Astrofísica en tiempos de relajación
Luis Herrera
Universidad de Salamanca
Fecha: 7 de Abril de 1998
Piones en un baño térmico
José María Martínez Resco
Dpto. de Física Teórica e Historia de la Ciencia, UPV-EHU
Fecha: 22 de Abril de 1998
Visions of the End of Inflation
Bruce Bassett
SISSA, Trieste
Fecha: 19 de Junio de 1998
Seminarios de Otoño sobre
Cosmología / Udazkenean: Kosmologia
El incierto destino del par
Stochastic effects in cosmology
El fondo de rayos X como sonda
Kinks espacio-temporales
For more information, contact I.L. Egusquiza
Last update: Sept 7, 1998