Registration is closed.
The fee for the workshop is 150 € if paid before December 1, 2024 and 175 € after this date. Due to the a high number of application for financial support received by now, the Organising Committee dicided to close the call for funding.
The registration fee should be paid by transfer to:
Account holder: Departamento de Física. UPV/EHU
IBAN: ES29 2095 0292 9532 3900 0745
CONCEPT: IBSTRINGS25 + applicant name
If you would like to come to Social Dinner with someone else, the
additional ticket for accompanying person costs 70 € (70xn € in case
the number of accompanying persons is n>1). This can be paid together
with organizing fee or separately, with concept:
IBSTRINGS25 + applicant name + acc. person
Please keep in mind that 1 ticket for Social Dinner (for the participant of the conference) is included in the standard org. fee (150/175 €).
Additional tickets are requested for accompanying persons only.
Please send the proof of the transfer to the following email: The registration
will be definitely confirmed once the transfer has been successfully received.
The registration will be closed on December 31, 2024.
The call for proposed talk is now closed. The process of selection of proposed talks is on the way.
* The cost of additional ticket is 70 € which should be paid
on the same account together or separately with the Organizing Fee.